洗脱机洗脱机 烘干机烘干机 烫平机烫平机 小型洗衣机小型洗衣机 洗烘一体机洗烘一体机 多功能熨烫机多功能熨烫机 人像整型机人像整型机 洁净服洗涤原料洁净服洗涤原料 制服路轨制服路轨 员工工服全自动自助刷脸收取系统员工工服全自动自助刷脸收取系统 宾馆酒店员工制服全自动自助刷卡取衣设备宾馆酒店员工制服全自动自助刷卡取衣设备 |
Professional high spin washer extractors and tumble dryers are the ideal machines for small collectives such as apartments, small hotels, schools or businesses like hairdressers, etc.
Small capacity models, offer top quality and excellent results thanks to their design and latest technology.
DA6 and DAS8 washer extractors, (60 and 80 Litres) are high spin, stainless steel and Titanium construction, robust structure to guarantee their durability. TD6 and DDS8 tumble dryers have been designed with high quality components and materials and an ergonomic design like a large opening of loading door.
The new DAS 8 and DDS 8 models are available in several models: different power versions, marine tension. Dryers models are available in vented, condensed and heat pump version.